Dominique joined Deaf Services in 2015 and works as part of our Contact Centre team. Before joining Deaf Services, Dominique had spent nine years out of the workforce as a full-time carer for her mother.
“My life changed considerably when my mother passed away,” explains Dominique. “I was looking at the daunting prospect of having to enter the workforce again after nearly a decade away.”
She joined an employment agency and was soon informed about a recruitment drive Deaf Services was undertaking as part of a growing team.
“After listening to the recruiter, I was hooked,” says Dominique. “My application was accepted and my new life began.”
Dominique’s primary role involves ensuring contact details of our Deaf Lottery supporters are up to date so they remain eligible for our wonderful prizes, as well as answering incoming calls.
“I am so lucky to have such a varied role,” she explains. “I love the opportunity to speak to our supporters on a daily basis, especially when I can continue contact with a supporter and listen to why what we do is so important to them.”
Dominique says a highlight of her job is helping and connecting with supporters as well as spending time with her team mates, who have become close friends. Her real point of pride, however, comes from learning about the positive outcomes Lottery supporters deliver to the Deaf and hard of hearing community.
“It can often be quite emotional,” she says. “We work so hard to ensure that we are doing the best to support the Deaf and hard of hearing community to make their lives better. It’s lovely to know when you are coming into work you are making a difference.”
Finally, we asked Dominique to recall the most memorable call she’d ever made. Her answer was pretty amazing…
“A supporter called in wanting to know why we kept calling her, she was a busy lady and when we called she kept hanging up on us. She eventually had had enough and rang in asking why we kept annoying her. After looking up her details I explained that she had actually was a prize winner and we were ringing her to confirm details so she could claim a prize.”
“She was completely unaware that she was a prize winner and asked what she had won. She was a VIP winner and won a huge $20,000 prize. She broke into tears as she was an Aussie Battler with a sick little boy, and said that we had changed her life and that she will never hang up on a person again.”